5 Ways to Find Joy in Food

by Bev Hope

“The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than discovery of a new star.” Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

Food is a joyful part of holidays and life’s celebrations. But there are many small ways to find joy and happiness in food every day. All we have to do is take time to savor “food moments” each day.  For example, appreciate everything from creating a new recipe to sharing a cup of warm cocoa with a loved one, to joining friends and family at life’s celebration meals. Food is a source of daily joy that contributes much more to human happiness than we give it credit. To quote a famous foodie, the French epicure and gastronome Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, “The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star.”

Here are five fun and easy ways to find joy in food.

1. Let Go of Expectations

Try a new recipe or add a new ingredient to a recipe that inspires you. Don’t worry whether your recipe ends up looking like the picture on the box or in the magazine. Enjoy the creative process and let it unfold.  Invite a few friends over for brunch and don’t obsess over the souffle. You’ll be amazed at how great the food tastes when you focus on friends, family, and good conversation.

2. Embrace Each Moment

Whether it’s cooking, or pretty much anything else in life, the best results come when we enjoy the moments along the way. Finding pleasure in food means taking the time to enjoy the cooking process and not just the end result. When you focus on the joy of each step of preparing food, the dish always tastes better in the end.

3. Keep It Simple

Sometimes the best dishes are those with the fewest ingredients. Sriracha, peppercorn, garlic, balsamic vinegar, cinnamon, are a few tasty yet simple ingredients that can add amazing flavor and zest to dozens of dishes. Enjoy the simple ways to add more taste and zest to foods you eat each day.

4. Make It Pretty

A few cinnamon sprinkles or a dollop of whipped cream can make even the most basic dishes more appetizing. Cooking and baking should embrace all the senses. A lit candle or pretty dish towels are simple, inexpensive ways to make your kitchen more inviting.

5. Share the Love

Food is always more enjoyable when it is shared.  Participating in potlucks, baking for a sick neighbor or donating food to a charity are simple ways to share food, joy, and a part of yourself with others.  When you pour your love into your food, others will enjoy it all the more too.

I hope you try a few of these ways to experience more joy in food each day!

Enjoy and Live Well with Zest!

Bev xo

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AffiliateLabz February 15, 2020 - 9:11 pm

Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂

Bev Hope February 16, 2020 - 3:11 pm

Thanks so much!


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